Tag: art
Letterman Mid-Century Modern Paintings
It’s not often you find oil paintings with such a well-defined and readable signature, but the one on this triptych we have in our booth at Fargo Antiques and Repurposed Market is clearly LETTERMAN, stylized with extended letters to evoke modernity and motion. And, not only is the name so readable, the signature readily identifies…
This Week’s Story: One Man’s Trash Is Another Man’s… Art?
Hi, I’m Deanna Dahlsad of Fair Oaks Antiques. This inaugural edition of ‘This Week’s Story’ is based on a mixed media artwork we found. (You can listen to this short audio podcast here!) We found this piece on the street during Fargo’s Cleanup Week. Yes, that makes us trash pickers. That’s not really news; we’ve…
How To Remove Spray Paint from hands
The wifey’s new website devoted to her art & handmade items has launched: Luna.Tique.Boutique. While that was a lot of hands-on creative work, it’s not the same level of physical dirt as creating the mixed media artwork! While LunaTique art is definitely art work with a goth or dark edge, Halloween also approacheth – so…
Fargo Flea Market This Weekend!
We will be at Fargo Antiques & Repurposed Market’s annual summer flea market this weekend! Not only are we bringing in fresh finds from farms (& other places) for the flea market outside – but we will be having a huge sale inside too: 50% off! That’s half off all items with vendor code YES,…
Crafty Quarantine
Given the current situation, the dreaded coronavirus, we’ve seen an explosion in DIY and crafting — including a throw-back to Victorian hobbies, such as scrapbooking. We’re no different; we’ve been putting in a lot more hours in the studio – and not just for custom pieces, but been listing items in our handmade Etsy shop,…
Large Antique Painted Plaster Relief Of Mary
People have asked about the gorgeous antique plaster relief of Mary we previously showed you, so here’s some more info: It came out of a very old Catholic church. It’s not so much a wall plaque; this old plaster piece was built into the alter or wall of a church — as evidenced by the…