
Blog Posts

Have Panda Bear, Will Travel – To The Cedarburg Flea Market

This Sunday, September 2, 2012, we’ll have your collectibles (and antiques) at Maxwell Street Days in Cedarburg, Wisconsin. (We told you we travel!) Some of the goodies we’re bringing…

Vintage Flavoring Bottle

If you’re a collector of items or advertising from Minnesota companies, check out the vintage glass bottle of Gold Cross liquid “concentrated beverage base” in “imitation…

More At Exit 55

As always, we had a blast working at Exit 55 Antiques last Friday. Sadly, there’s poor connection to the Internet there, so we couldn’t post any updates live; but we did update our case…

Save The Date!

Derek and Deanna Dahlsad will be working at Exit 55 Antiques (Fergus Falls, MN) on Friday, August 24, 2012; so come on over and see us! Along with our stuff in the case (and the garden and other…

More Primitive Antiques

Added a few things to the case at Antiques On Broadway… The wooden mail sorter box from the Fergus Falls, MN, post office ($100). It’s on top of the case, between the box of Easy Rider…
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