
Blog Posts

We Have Your Collectibles Link Round-Up

We’ve been so busy this summer with selling at flea markets and increasing our booth space at Exit 55, that we’ve barely mentioned our writing here — but believe us, we’ve…

A Preview Of Elkhorn

As Hubby mentioned, we’ll be among the over 500 dealers selling at the Elkhorn Antique Flea Market (at the Walworth County Fairgrounds in Wisconsin) this weekend. Here are a few of the antiques…

Just A Sample Of Our Handiwork

One of the things we like best about selling vintage items is finding the right homes for the gems we find. We consider ourselves more like adoption assistants for objects than dealers just trying to…

It Takes A Lot Of Hard Work To Make It Look Like Magic

If you’ve been following our Facebook page, you know that we’ve expanded our antiques and vintage collectibles business by going from a case at Exit 55 Antiques to a booth. While this…

More Antiques, Vintage & Retro Items For Sale

A few more photos of the antique, vintage, and retro items at our yard sale in Fargo, ND. Come on down, get a Play ‘n Spell — or just play for a spell. *wink*…

Last Of The Season

Up here, in the land of frozen tundra aka Fargo, North Dakota, back to school signals the end of the rummage sale season. *heavy sigh* To celebrate, we’re having our last yard sale of 2012…
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