The Typewriter: A Love Story

Joseph and his wife were about to celebrate their first anniversary. Like any good husband, he wanted to give his wife Julie a special gift. In this case, it was a vintage typewriter as the couple had recently attended an event which celebrated the typewriter and Julie became smitten with them. (This is part of a larger typewriter trend!) However, Joseph isn’t just any good husband — he’s an awesome husband.

When difficulties arose in getting the first typewriter he ordered to arrive as a surprise at the hotel, he contacted us at our Etsy shop to see if we could overnight our Olivetti-Underwood typewriter to them. Who are we to stand in the way of True Love? Heck, we love happy beginnings as much as happy endings! So we hustled our behinds to make it happen, including typing a personal message from Joseph to his lovely bride. Not only did the anniversary gift arrive on time, but just in time for the couple’s arrival at the hotel. We know, because Joseph texted us to say so — complete with a photo!

Everything worked out perfectly, it was waiting in our room when we arrived. Thanks so much for your care in getting this to me, and for typing the note.

julie and her vintage typewriter

We are so glad it all worked out and so proud to have been a part of their love story!

Thanks, Joseph and Julie, for letting us share your story — and, again, happy anniversary and best wishes for a wonderful life!

PS Just look at their cute baby!!


4 responses to “The Typewriter: A Love Story”

  1. […] Joseph and his wife were about to celebrate their first anniversary. Like any good husband, he wanted to give his wife Julie a special gift. In this case, it was a vintage typewriter as the couple …  […]

  2. […] Joseph and his wife were about to celebrate their first anniversary. Like any good husband, he wanted to give his wife Julie a special gift. In this case, it was a vintage typewriter as the couple …  […]

  3. […] Joseph and his wife were about to celebrate their first anniversary. Like any good husband, he wanted to give his wife Julie a special gift. In this case, it was a vintage typewriter as the couple …  […]

  4. […] Joseph and his wife were about to celebrate their first anniversary. Like any good husband, he wanted to give his wife Julie a special gift. In this case, it was a vintage typewriter as the couple …  […]

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